reg nr S12981/2004, född 031227, tik
reg no S12981/2004, born 12/27/2003, female
Ägare / Owner:Tina Joonas, Digby Tollers

HD / Hips A/A
ED / Elbows UA (0)
Ögon / Eyes UA / Clear 061002
DNA-prcd-PRA Normal / Clear
Ingår i Tollarprojektet: ANA-testad Negativ
Nelly fick somna in 130107 / Nelly was put to sleep 01/07/2013
Meriter: |
- BIS TollerDays 2007 i Danmark
- BIS jaktklass Tollarspecialen 2006 och 2007, BIM 2008
- 1 plac jaktklass tikar Tollarspecialen 2006, 2007 och 2008
- 2 svenska CERT
- 1 danskt CERT (TollerDays)
- BIS-4 unghund SSRK
- 1 ukl, 2 ukk, CK Tollarspecialen 2005
- 1 junkl + CK Nordiska Vinnarutställningen i Danmark
- 1 junkl + HP Svensk Vinnarutställning
- 1 valpkk II + HP, BIS-valp Tollarspecialen 2004
- Känd mental status (skott 1)
- Funktionsbeskriven
- 2 ökl Tollingprov Danmark
- 2 x 1 nkl Tollingprov Danmark
- 1 nkl Tollingprov 080927
- 2 nkl Retrieverprov 080503
- 3 junkl Tollarspecialen 2005
- 4 placering i kampen om Juniortollarmästare 2005
- 3 nkl Tollarspecialen 2006 (dummies)
- 2 ukl inoff Tollingprov
- Godkänt Tollarklubbens apporteringstest
- 1 ukl och 3 placering i ”walkupen”
- SE VCH = Svensk Viltspårchampion
Merits: |
- BIS TollerDays in Denmark 2007
- BIS huntingclass Tollerspecialty 2006 and 2007, BOS 2008
- 1st place huntingclass bitches Tollerspeciality 2006, 2007 and 2008
- 2 Swedish CAC
- 1 Danish CAC (TollerDays 2007)
- BIS-4 youngster SSRK
- BIS-Reserve SSRK
- 1st prize youngsterclass, 2nd place competitionclass, CK Tollerspecialty 2005
- 1st prize juniorclass, CK Nordic Winnershow in Denmark 2004
- 1st prize juniorclass, HP Swedish Winnershow 2004
- 1st place puppy competitionclass II, HP, BIS-puppy Tollerspecialty 2004
- Passed mental behavior test
- Functionaldescription
- 2nd prize openclass Tollingtest Denmark
- 2 x 1st prize noviceclass Tollingtest Denmark
- 1st prize noviceclass Tollingtest
- 2nd prize noviceclass SSRK
- 3rd prize juniorclass Tollerspecialty 2005
- 4th place in the fight for the Juniortollermaster 2005 title
- 3rd prize noviceclass Tollerspecialty 2006 (dummies)
- 2nd prize unoff youngsterclass Tollingtest
- Approved Tollerclub’s retrievetest
- 1st prize youngsterclass and placed 3rd in the walkup
- Swedish Gametracking Champion – SE VCH