född 960414, 5 hanar - born 04/14/1996, 5 males

e. INT UCH KBH V-95 LP NORD UCH SE V-94 Birdcherrys Autumn Clear Air "Dennis"
u. LPI SE U(U)CH Kanadickens Cecilia Lind "Jazza"

Chappo, Jasoo, Sigge, Vicke, Baron

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The theme for the names are Royalties.

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 Click on the names above to find out more about the dogs.

Viktkurva / Weightcurve

Stamtavla / Pedigree:

INT UCH KBH V-95 LP NORD UCH SE V-94 Birdcherrys Autumn Clear Air "Dennis", S53014/89H (in )

Harbourlights Laddie Buck Harbourlights Fundy Pal Alexander Of Schubendorf
Harbourlights Red Kali
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny Harbourlights Village Sire
Harbourlights Fundy Bell
Jalna's Oneka the One N Only CACH Jalna's Red Emperor CA CH Crusader Of Jeffery Coldwell CD
CA CH Contessa Of Jeffery Coldwell
Sproul's Jennifer Jalna CA CH Sproul's Tantramar Toby CD
CA CH Sproul's Lady Macgregor
LPI SE U(U)CH Kanadickens Cecilia Lind "Jazza", S38744/92H (in ) SE UCH Riverduck of Drögsta Harbourlights Scotia Boy Chin-Peek Golden Lucky Kim
Harbourlights Foxy Nisku
Harbourlights Foxy Amber Harbourlights Mighty Mike
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
Colliers' Mapleleaf Ambassador Foxdown's Sable Lucky CA CH Conqueror Of Jeffery Coldwell
CA CH Little River Kali
CA CH Cabottrails Belle of the Isle CA CH Westerlea's Tru Ray Red Rebel CDX WC
CA CH Westerlea Cabot Mackenzie

Sista mjölkslurken!

Vicke, Baron, Jasoo

Chappo, Sigge


Tillbaka / Back

ã Anette Björgell

Denna sida uppdaterades senast 2011-10-31
Last updated 10/31/2011
